Royal Highland Showcase 2021

17th - 20th June, 2021

Sponsored by Royal Bank of Scotland
RHASS Equestrian

Thursday, 17th June 2021
Jumping Ring
1 - The John Deere Highland Challenge
Table A against the clock
Table A4 | 1.30m
2 - British Horse Feeds Speedi-Beet Horse of the Year Show Grade C Championship Qualifier
Table A against the clock with one jump off
Table A7 | 1.35m
3 - Roma Ristorante A&B Stakes
Table A against the clock
Table A4 | 1.40m
4 - Lochleven Equine Practice Young Horse Style and Performance (4yrs Old)
A style mark out of 10 will be given for each fence, plus an overall performance mark out of 10. British Showjumping tack rules will apply, including the Boot Rule.
Special | 1.00m
5 - Balcormo Stud Young Horse Style and Performance (5yrs Old)
A style mark out of 10 will be given for each fence, plus an overall performance mark out of 10. British Showjumping tack rules will apply, including the Boot Rule.
Special | 1.05m
Friday, 18th June 2021
Jumping Ring
6 - QC Sporthorses National 1.30m Open
Table A against the clock
Table A4 | 1.30m
7 - International Stairway
Table A two rounds against the clock, best five scores, or all clear rounds, go forward to the second round
Table A9 | 1.50m
8 - Andrew Black Haulage and Storage Open Championship
Table C, faults are penalised in seconds which are added to the time taken. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY - The first, second and third in this class will jump again in reverse order with the winner doubling their original prize money.
Table C | 1.40m
9 - The William Sheret MBE Grade B&C Championship (
Table A against the clock with one jump off
Table A7 | 1.35m
Saturday, 19th June 2021
Jumping Ring
10 - Harbro Country Stores 1.40m Open
Table A competition in two phases against the clock
Two Phase | 1.40m
11 - The Andrew Hamilton Novice Championship
Table A against the clock with one jump off
Table A7 | 1.30m
12 - Highland Showcase Grand Prix
Table A two rounds against the clock, best five scores, or all clear rounds, go forward to the second round
Table A9 | 1.50m
13 - The Equikro Classic Championship
Table A against the clock with one jump off, second half of the first round course to be built 5-10cm higher than the first half
Table A10 | 1.20m
Sunday, 20th June 2021
Jumping Ring
14 - Norbrook Outdoor Open Scottish Championship
Table A against the clock with one jump off, second half of the first round course to be built 5-10cm higher than the first half
Table A10 | 1.30m
15 - The Wright, Johnston & Mackenzie LLP Young Masters Championship
Table A two rounds against the clock, best five scores, or all clear rounds, go forward to the second round
Table A9 | 1.40m
16 - The Liz Fox JC Championship
Table A two rounds against the clock, best five scores, or all clear rounds, go forward to the second round
Table A9 | 1.10m
17 - The Sign Company/Danny's Snacks 128cm Championship
Table A two rounds against the clock, best five scores, or all clear rounds, go forward to the second round
Table A9 | 1.00m
18 - The Sign Company/Danny's Snacks 138cm Championship
Table A two rounds against the clock, best five scores, or all clear rounds, go forward to the second round
Table A9 | 1.15m
19 - The Sign Company/Danny's Snacks 148cm Championship
Table A two rounds against the clock, best five scores, or all clear rounds, go forward to the second round
Table A9 | 1.25m

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